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We Can Do This Together!

The DJEP staff is convinced that we can make a difference in our community and in the life of each

individual that goes through this program! Our qualified and committed staff are eager about helping

our students reach higher and move forward in life. With your help, all facets of this program can be

successfully implemented, and the students will be equipped, encouraged, and elevated!

DJEP is a 4 month Program with 4 main Components:


1.  Learning Center:  Equip students to pass a high school equivalency exam

2.  DISC Personality Profile Test:  Students learn about themselves and to work better with others

3.  Career Skills Classes (10 total): Resumes, interview etiquette, appropriate dress, online job searching, computer skills, etc.

4.  Job Placement:  Students work with a job coach/local job placement agency


**Additionally, there will be elective courses, that are optional for our students to participate in such as sewing, nutrition, public speaking, and cooking**



Benefits to students/society

1.  The DJEP will help students to achieve educational goals and to gain better employment.

2.  Upon completion of the DJEP, students will be encouraged to go on to higher levels of education.

3.  The DJEP will help the community of Lynchburg by reducing the unemployment and poverty level.


Sponsorship Opportunity

First, thank you for your interest in contributing to this program, so that those in the Lynchburg community who want better themselves can have the support they need to Elevate, Achieve, and Reach their goals!

We have the Dale Jackson Fund that you can give to monthly or one time, by clicking on the link below. 


Your contribution will go towards the following:


  • Equipping the learning center for our adult students with the proper materials such as computers, furniture, projector system for the instructors to use, calculators, etc.


  • Helping to pay for the students’ graduation at the end of the semester. Upon completion of their GED exam and the program, we want our students to know how valuable they are by celebrating all of their hard work to this big step forward!


  • Currently, all DJEP adult education instructors are voluntary as well as our admissions team.  We would like to provide childcare for our students who have the need, and therefore some of our Dale Jackson Fund will be used to pay for the labor needed for childcare during weekly class time.


Sponsor Benefits:


If you are a business sponsor, and you commit to donate $50 or more per month, we would like to recognize you by listing your business name/logo on our website and on our Facebook page.

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